I seemed to have a hard time finding a topic today. I attempted writing several blogs before this, but none of them have lived up to my standard of quality. They all ended up being saved as drafts. I also considered writing this blog about a philosophical topic to make it easy like I usually do, but given that I prefer to end my persuasive arguments only after I have supported them somewhat, a post like that could have easily ended up taking more time then I wanted to spend blogging today. So today I blogged about bees.
I was actually rather ignorant of bees until recently. In fact I would assume most US citizens are ignorant of bees. Think of a bee; yellow and black creature that lives in a hive right? Makes honey, has a queen of the colony, spends its days serving its community. Not so for all bees it turns out. In fact there are about 1,600 species of bees native to California alone, the yellow and black bees we are so familiar with were imported from Europe. Not a single one of the native bees makes honey or lives in a hive. In fact most of them don't even have stingers, for native bees only the females have stingers. Native bees also come in different colors, they can be green, red, black, and a myriad of various other colors. Their variety also extends to size and texture. Some are hirsute, some smooth. Some are large, some are remarkably diminutive. It's funny really how despite the fact we like to think of ourselves as relatively knowledgeable of life, we are so ignorant of little things like the countries own environmental history. Perhaps it is always fallacious to become arrogant or cocky when it comes to knowledge, considering how much of it is out there.
Diminutive: Very small.
Hirsute: Having or covered with hair.
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